Clear browser cache/cookies


What is my browser's cache and what does it do?


1.) Your internet browser's cache stores certain information about webpages you visit so that they'll load more quickly in the future.


What are cookies and what do they do?


1.) Cookies contain information that websites have gathered about you. They are stored on your computer as small text files.


Why do I need to clear my browser's cache/cookies?


1.) The information stored in the cache is old or invalid, causing your computer to load incorrect website information.

2.) Changes made to a website can corrupt the data stored in your cache.


How do I delete my browser's cache or the cookies stored on my computer?


1.) To clear your browser's cache press Control+Shift+Delete on a PC, or Shift+Command+Delete on a Mac.

2.) For instructions on how to delete cookies from your computer click ***Here***. Choose your browser and follow the directions provided. If you are unsure which browser/version you are using click Here.

***Note: If you have products in your cart, this will empty it and any other shopping carts you may have stored! This should only be used if the previous methods result in a failure to login.***